Welfare Indicators of Kepulauan Mentawai Regency 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Mentawai Regency

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Welfare Indicators of Kepulauan Mentawai Regency 2024

Catalog Number : 4102004.1301
Publication Number : 13010.24028
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 20, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.17 MB


The publication of the Welfare Indicators of Kepulauan Mentawai Regency is an annual publication of the BPS-Statistics Kepulauan Mentawai Regency which presents the level of development of the people's welfare of the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency over time. The data used comes from BPS and from the Agency Office in the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency. BPS data comes from the results of the National Socio-Economic Survey, the National Labor Force Survey, and the Indonesian Population Projection 2020–2035. This publication presents various aspects of welfare for which data is available and measurable. To facilitate interpretation, changes in the level of welfare are examined according to eight areas including Population, Health and Nutrition, Education, Employment, Consumption Levels and Patterns, Housing and Environment, Poverty, and Other Social which are used as references in efforts to improve the quality of life.
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