Sea Transportation Statistics Kepulauan Mentawai Region 2016-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Mentawai Regency

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Sea Transportation Statistics Kepulauan Mentawai Region 2016-2020

Catalog Number : 8304003.1301
Publication Number : 13010.2106
ISSN/ISBN : 9786023551156
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 8, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.13 MB


As an archipelagic area, sea transportation has an important role to ensure the smooth mobility of the population and the distribution of goods between islands in the Mentawai Islands Regency. Given the very vital role of sea transportation in connecting one island to another, sea transportation must be developed properly and correctly in order to support the development of the archipelagic region as a whole. This publication is presented in the form of analysis of the results of data collection from the Port Operations Management Information System which consists of the number of ship visits, the number of passengers up and down, and the number of loading and unloading of goods at each port. These ports include Sikakap, Sioban, Tua Pejat, Meileppet, and Pokai. This publication aims to provide information to the public, government and the business world about the development of sea transportation activities in the Mentawai Islands Regency in the last five years.
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