June 2024, The number of air passengers departing from BIM decreased by 13.33 percent compared to the previous month, while the number of air passengers arriving from BIM increased by 2.07 percent compared to the previous month. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Mentawai Regency

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June 2024, The number of air passengers departing from BIM decreased by 13.33 percent compared to the previous month, while the number of air passengers arriving from BIM increased by 2.07 percent compared to the previous month.

June 2024, The number of air passengers departing from BIM decreased by 13.33 percent compared to the previous month, while the number of air passengers arriving from BIM increased by 2.07 percent compared to the previous month.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2024
File Size : 2.92 MB


  • The number of air passengers departing from Minangkabau International Airport in June 2024 decreased by 13.33 percent compared to the previous month. The number of air passengers arriving at BIM in June 2024 increased by 2.07 percent compared to the previous month. 
  • The number of goods loaded via domestic sea transportation in West Sumatra in June 2024 decreased by 1.46 percent compared to the previous month. The number of goods unloaded via domestic sea transportation in West Sumatra in June 2024 decreased by 22.20 percent compared to the previous month.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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